Much to do...Retirement isn't a free lunch....Photos from dinner in the souk...
A complimentary bowl of spicy olives is served when dining at Arabe restaurant. |
There's never a day that passes that doesn't require tasks related to our travels.
In reality, it's comparable to a full time job. Fortunately, we don't mind doing most of the tasks. Although, it's easy to lie in bed early in the morning thinking about everything that must be handled, we try not to make ourselves crazy or worried with the responsibility of accomplishing them.The overlook to the shops below from Terrasse des Espices Restaurant. |
For most of our readers, daily household tasks and maintenance preoccupy a good portion of each day. Add the responsibility of handling medical insurance, medications, health appointments, paying bills, grocery and other shopping, visiting family and friends who are ill or in nursing homes, entertaining family and friends and it is exhausting.
Although we have eliminated some of the above items from our "to do" list, since we no longer have a home, we have other tasks to perform that replace them, mostly wrapped around our continuing travels.
In other words, being retired is not being "retired' from anything other than going to an outside job each day. The perception that many younger still working people may have is that life is free and easy. Ha! It's hardly the case.
A pigeon we spotted while dining on the rooftop. Their cooing sounds permeate the air in the riad each day, along with the crowing rooster who crows every 5 or 10 minutes. |
Add the financial management, record keeping and the daily task of handling of the budget, logging each penny spent, my days are full, leaving a little time for playing Gin with Tom, watching a few shows and of course, getting out to explore.
This is the usual crowd we must maneuver each time we go out to dine, get cash from an ATM, roam around the Big Square or to exit the Medina in order flag get a taxi. |
But, as time has moved on, we've used all of our US prescriptions and are now into the one year's supply of the those we've purchased from ProgressiveRX, a reputable online pharmacy company. (They don't take insurance). Each pill they dispense is individually wrapped in foil requiring a huge amount of time to get each pill out of the right wrapping.
Today, I unwrapped over 100 pills for the six weeks total of pills I placed collectively in the little cases. As I aged, good grief, I've noticed my fingers are not as adept as they may have been 40 years ago. Small handiwork is not my forte.
Also, several years ago I had surgery on my right thumb and it's basically useless. Try unwrapping those tight little tin foil packs when right handed and the right thumb doesn't work. What a time consuming ordeal.
After performing this task this morning, I thought, "Why don't I unwrap them all and put them in the plastic bottles I saved from the old pills?" Simple reason. As we are stopped by airport or cruise security, we'll fare better with them in the labeled foil packs than in the white plastic bottles I saved that I plan to toss before we leave Morocco.
This morning, I performed the pill task earlier than usual after being awakened at 5:00 am by the crowing rooster next door. He's obviously going nuts now that its spring continuing to crow throughout the day, until dark.
Fresh produce is offered for sale at Le Jardin including these pretty oranges. |
In addition, we still have four more family members to book for Hawaii as we continue to watch rates on a daily basis. We plan to have their bookings completed by the first week in May.
Notice the two buds growing behind the flower. Photo taken from a tree in Le Jardin a restaurant we've found that stays open at all hours. |
When realizing that the cost of our "wish list" was more than we're comfortable spending, we knew that the next step in the process was to whittle it down to an acceptable level. That it itself is a time consuming process. However, that business related part of me still enjoys creating and updating spreadsheets. Good thing. It's definitely not within Tom's skill set or desire to learn.
A hand carved head on display at Le Jardin. |
As a result of the division of tasks, neither of us, ever feels there is an imbalance in responsibility, very important in keeping peace when together around the clock. Resentment over the balance of responsibility is often a source of disharmony in relationships which has never been an issue for us.
As I shot this photo of this parakeet in a cage at Le Jardin, she shook her tail feathers. |
As much as life for retirees may seem like a walk in the park, most of yours and our days are filled with tasks and responsibilities, none of which we can easily ignore or postpone.
This guy refused to awaken from his nap while I took these photos. |
It's for all of the reasons we must grab at every moment we can, finding joy, pleasure and meaning in our lives. And, it's for this very reason, that we find ourselves in Morocco in spring of 2014, living life to the fullest, the best way that we can.
Photo from one year ago today, April 18, 2013:
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Photo Tom took from our balcony at sunrise, as our ship made it's way to Sam Juan, Puerto Rico where it spent the day. For details of this date, please click here. |