Contentment in our new home...One year ago today...Adventures at high seas....
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The view of the Atlantic Ocean from our veranda. (Borrowed photo. Hazy today). |
In our last post, I'd planned to tell the rental car story. Not enough for a full post, I'll include the story in tomorrow's post with photos of the car, all the fees and more house photos.
Where do we begin? We're living in a beautiful house in the Campanario area of Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal about 30 minutes from the pier and the airport. The house is overlooking the Atlantic ocean with every modern convenience; a microwave, high speed Internet, a soaking tub (heavenly), a dishwasher and oh my, a newer front loading washer (our first load is on now).
There's no clothes dryer but instead one of those racks we used in Dubai and Italy. I can't wait to hang the clothes outside on the veranda using the colorful clothespins. Ah, how we've come to appreciate the simple things in life.
Still tired today after yesterday's exhausting unpacking, grocery shopping and totally settling in, today, I'm still a bit sluggish and slow moving even after sleeping seven hours last night, not quite enough.
Last night's dinner wasn't the feast we'd anticipated when we were too pooped to make anything other than cheese and sautéed onion scrambled eggs topped with Greek yogurt with a side of Portuguese sausage. That's all we could muster. Tonight, will be better.
Our new clothes dryer. At 70F, 21C it was pleasant hanging our first load of wash outdoors. The darks are in the washer now. I left room on the rack for the second load soon to be hung. |
The view from the floor to ceiling glass windows and doors is breathtaking. Unfortunately, it's been a bit hazy these past two mornings and I haven't been able to get any clear shots of the ocean. As soon as it clears, you'll see them here.
See Tom's donuts on the right in our new ktchen. Ugh! |
Yesterday's grocery shopping was a challenge which we'll explain further in days to come. Surely, in time, we'll figure it all out. It's all about the layout of the store, the unfamiliarity of products, reading labels and the fact that they don't carry some items we use. We did find unsweetened coconut flour but not coconut oil or avocados. We'll keep looking.
My view into the dining room while sitting on the sofa in the living room. |
The wood burning fireplace in the living room. Cool here now and warming up each day I doubt we'll use it. |
The second living room upstairs holds less appeal for us when we love the views on the main floor. There are TVs in each living room with a few English speaking channels, mostly news. That's fine.
The dining room where we'll have all of our meals. Tom reset the table this morning after emptying the dishwasher. |
We've made a list of errands we'll tackle next week; a trip to a computer store (Tom needs a special screw for his laptop), a store where we can purchase a needle and thread, (Tom ripped his Travel Smith shirt pocket when we were at the airport. With the right color of thread, I can easily sew it).
Also, we need to find a health food store and a health club for me. It appears all of this may be possible in Madeira. There are numerous shopping malls.
In time, we'll visit the some of the popular tourist spots; the farmer's market, the shops along the sea, the mountains, mainly revolving around amazing scenery.
The view from the opposite side of the dining room toward the sea. |
The problem I experienced at the grocery store yesterday as tired as I was, I kept saying "grazie" (Italian), "merci" (French) and "obrigada" (for thank you, one of few words I know so far in Portuguese) with a little English throw in. It was confusing when my brain wasn't working well anyway due to the exhaustion.
Tom's view from his spot on the sectional sofa. Once it warms up a little, we'll surely spend time sitting on these lawn chairs. |
Over the upcoming 75 days, we'll continue to post daily with more house photos (today we've included the main floor only) and many photos of our exploration of this lovely island. Stay tuned.
Photo from one year ago today, May 17, 2013:
As the mercenaries boarded the ship one year ago today carrying the "package" in order to protect us in the event that pirates attempted to board. Over a period of days, we had several "pirate drills" to prepare passengers in case of an "event." Last year a movie with Tom Hanks, Captain Philips, was a true story of just such an incident in the Gulf of Aden. Pirating in this area has continued as recently as January 2014. Many passengers said they wouldn't have gone on the cruise had they known of the risk. For us, it added to the experience and we felt safe. Miles out at sea, we were surrounded and protected by several military ships escorting us through the dangerous Gulf of Aden. For details of the story, please click here. |
Thank God, mission accomplished, as the most treasured experience in our travels, along with the next three months we spent living in Marloth Park, South Africa.
Thursday, we left Africa after living in three countries for almost nine months: Kenya, South Africa and Morocco. We are grateful for the experiences and for our continued safety during the entire period. When traveling to high risk countries, one must seriously weigh the benefits and the risks and carefully consider and ensure that security measures will be in implemented during the entire visit.
We are grateful for the opportunities we've had and wouldn't change a thing, even our most recent time in Marrakech, all of which round out our continually growing collection of amazing experiences.