Planning for the future...Food costs...A year ago...Earthquakes in Italy...
Can't imagine anyone would cut this down as a Christmas tree. |
The strong winds the past few days prevented us from going out to dinner last night. With the restaurants wide open and mostly outdoors, the cool powerful winds would definitely impede a relaxing dinner. Instead, again we visited the little grocer and purchased two whole free range chickens for both Saturday and Sunday's night dinners.
With the small refrigerator and freezer in the house, when we purchase meat we try to use it over the next few days as opposed to freezing it. At a cost of US $11.57, EU $8.51 for both chickens and US $5.76, EU $4.26 per chicken per meal it's rather reasonable.
The previous night's rains brought water to the creek. |
If we'd chosen to dine out both nights, the cost would have been at least US $130, EU $95.60. We can buy a ton of groceries for that amount.
Bushy. |
For ease, I cut all the vegetables and salad ingredients we'll be using for both nights to lighten the prep time the second night, making the next night a breeze. We love easy prep these days.
The tile roof, the greenery and the sea create a colorful view. |
As much as we've both always preferred home cooked meals to dining out, my interest in spending long periods in the kitchen prepping meal has greatly diminished since we began traveling. I'd much rather spend time experiencing our surroundings as opposed to spending endless hours in the kitchen.
For all we know this may be the fish guy from whom we recently purchased fresh tuna. |
For easy decision making I created a folder of my desktop with recipes. Tom and I made a list for each entrée we'll make, deciding that it makes sense to have the adults prepare breakfasts and lunches for themselves and their kids, while Tom and I make dinners.
We never tire of the scenery on the island of Madeira. |
It will be easy to have a slew of frozen chicken breasts handy to make each night which may prove to be useful for others who may not like a particular night's main course. My way of eating will easily incorporate into each meal when I can eat the meat we're cooking, veggies and salad.
This must be a variety of cactus. |
I won't be partaking in my former Christmas cookie baking frenzy. I'd rather spend time with our family than hidden away in the kitchen.
Ocean view from the road above. |
As for dining out, its unlikely we'll all go out to dinner together. When looking up menus online of local nearby restaurants on the Big Island of Hawaii, the cost for all of us would be well over US $1000, EU $735.36, just not worth the cost for us or for any of our kids.
Hillside photos may often appear alike but we never post the same photo twice. |
In a mere four months, Tom and I will already have been living in Hawaii for two weeks beginning our four island stint until next May when we leave for Australia.
Vineyards are everywhere with wine as a popular commodity. |
Let's face it. Peace of mind is a valuable commodity that in essence, money and effort are able to buy, to an extent. The challenge for us is always how much money and effort do we want to expend in order to gain the peace of mind, sooner as opposed to later.
Today, we'll be back at it, planning for the future, definitely on a mission to achieve our goals and continue on with the dream.
No photo from one year ago today, June 22, 2013:
Last year on this date while living in Boveglio, Italy, we were experiencing earthquakes. It was Tom's first earthquake experience. Immediately, we began checking online for statistics for our area and found interesting and useful facts some of which we posted as opposed to photos. For the link for that date, please click here