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Hello, Lahaina, Maui...We'll also see you soon!

When the trolley in Hilo stopped to pick up passengers in a strip mall, we spotted this orchid.
The thought of returning to live on these various Hawaiian Islands is exciting.  This morning at 7:30 am, our ship anchored in Maui, again requiring a tender boat to get to the shore to the village of Lahaina. 

Since we'll be back in Maui in less than two weeks we decided to stay onboard today and tomorrow, before disembarking on Sunday.  Many of the tours and shuttles are off for shopping in Lahaina.  We'll visit Lahaina later on our own.
Gazebo at park in Hilo.
With constant WiFi problems, honestly, I'm anxious to get on land where we'll have a good signal.  This has been frustrating.  In our effort to post each day, I've literally spent hours attempting to upload two or three photos a day.  Even the MiFi from XCOM Global is receiving a poor signal.

It's easy to post text only.  But, surely our readers enjoyed seeing some photos while we sailed across the seas.  Hopefully, by the time we embark on our next cruise in May 2015, technology will have improved for a better signal aboard ship.

Pretty scenery at Liliuokalani Gardens.
We have many wonderful photos to share that we're unable to upload due to the poor signal.  Once we're situated in our condo in Waikiki and our laundry is done (almost out of clothes), we'll be excited to post many of these photos of the various islands we've seen.

Once we get these "backed-up" photos presented, we'll continue to explore each island on which we'll live sharing new photos and stories along the way.  We look forward to doing so.

Shoreline in Hilo.
After visiting cooler climates these past several months, we certainly can feel the impact of the scorching heat in Hawaii, especially today in Maui.  We like the warmer weather and in a short time we'll be used to it as we had in Africa for almost nine months. 

Overall, most of our travels have included hot weather except after we arrived in Madeira, Portugal, where the average temperature was in the 70's.  In Hawaii, this time of year, most days will be in the humid, sun-scorching 80's. 

We took the trolley in Hilo enabling us to get some good shots along the shoreline..
With AC in each of the locations in which we'll live, we'll have a comfortable mix of cool air inside and warmth when we're out and about, ideal to our liking.  As  always, there's a short period of time for adjustment to our surroundings, the culture, the way of life commensurate with each locale.

With only 11 days upcoming in Oahu, we look forward to settling in for the six weeks in Maui, where today we need only look across a short expanse of sea where it awaits us in all of its glory.

Sky at dusk in Hilo.

Again, we'll continue to attempt to post photos while lounging in air conditioned comfort aboard the ship in the luxurious Sky Lounge knowing full well that in almost 48 hours we'll be off the ship to begin our almost eight month stay in the beautiful Hawaiian Islands.  Yum.

Photo from one year ago today, October 4, 2013:

Its hard to believe that we were in Kenya a year ago, packing to leave the next days for a safari in the Masai Mara, one of the most extraordinary experiences of our lives.  On this date, one year ago, we experienced a power outage which prevented us from posting.  Starting tomorrow, one year ago, we began the life changing safari in the Masai Mara. Of course, we'll share photos each day on our daily one year ago posting at the bottom of each new post.