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Contentment prevails in a simple life in Hawaii...Many more new photos...A glass bottle wall...

The beauty of the Maui we know and love.

Vine covered building at the Maui Tropical Plantation.

A colorful variety of Hibiscus.
We'd hoped to do more sightseeing while we're in Maui.  What can we say?  We haven't feel like it.  Plain and simple.  After being on the go non-stop from July 31st to October 5th, 77 days on the go, we've had our fill for awhile, spending blissfully relaxing time over this past month in Maalaea Beach.

We picked up this star shaped pod from the Autograph Tree ground. 

More star shaped pods from the Autograph Tree, clusia rosea seed pods.

Clusia rosea - Autograph Tree, Scotch Attorney, Copey, Pitch Apple, Florida Clusia, Signature Tree (brown flower)
The above seed pods from the Autograph Tree result in these flowers.  (Not our photo). 

No more long lines, traffic, pushing past anxious tourists walking tight along the sidewalk refusing to let this couple in tow pass by, we've had our fill.  For now, we're in heaven, grasping at every morsel in time that too quickly wafts through our days and nights, leaving us wanting more of this blissful quiet existence in this peaceful spot on the island of Maui.

Cordyline Indivisa leaf.

Hawaiian made items for sale in a shop on the grounds of the plantation.

Yet to bloom, Spathoglottis Flower Plicata.
We have no desire to jump into the rental car, begging to be used at $25 per day, that sits beaconing us to explore, for which we've yet to use a full tank of gas.  Contentment.  Enjoy it when its present.  That's how we feel.

Plumeria, often used in making leis.

We walked under this mass of vines creating a gorgeous arbor.
In but a few weeks, family will begin to arrive and surely we'll be on the go, exploring the Big Island with them, interacting with them, loving every precious moment with them.  And again, the time will quickly pass, too quickly.

Colorful plants lined the walkways.

Anthurium, also known as bleeding hearts.  This variety may be the Watermelon Obake Anthurium.

Jade plant, one of many varieties.
For now, we welcome the snail's pace when presently its consisting of peaceful days and lazy nights in gentle contemplation, of what is yet to come, in the coming month during which they will come and then, they will go.

A palm frond along the walkway.

Another pretty scene in the gardens.
What can I say?  Contentment prevails.  Contentment wraps its eloquent arms around our currently subdued state of mind, offering a respite from the otherwise complex nature of our unusual lives. 

The stone wall in this photo was actually made with glass bottles. See photos below.

Glass bottles protruding from the wall created an interesting scene.  Talk about recycling!

Photo of the opposite side of the bottle wall.
Bear with us, as we spend these next 11 days, leaving Maui on December 1st, while we continue to embrace this simple life.  In the interim, we've gathered and continue to gather, many more photos and stories of this uncomplicated existence, not unlike the life of those who actually live full time in Hawaii, who seldom, if ever sightsee, finding themselves at peace and content, at home in these islands, as we are now...

Photo from one year ago today, November 20, 2013:

It was a windy night in Kenya, when we dined out as the only guests in this quaint beachside restaurant.  Tom relaxed with a beer, his hair blowing in the wind as I wandered about taking photo of an upcoming moon, as soon as the cloud would pass.  For details from the date, please click here.