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What a morning!

When we walked to a local beach, this bird was hanging out in a parking lot. Its a Cattle Egret.
Nothing makes me more hot and sweaty than dealing with computer issues.  Last night, Tom started having trouble with his computer regarding proxy settings.

At this local beach "park" an area is being renovated to "grow soil" for use as a future community garden.  Note the backhoe in the bottom right of the photo which was in use when we were there.
He'd had similar issues, although not specifically the same, since he purchased this laptop and I'm in a quandary as to how to fix it. I've spent hours trying since last night. We have to do something today or tomorrow.  He can get online to some sites but not all, which is weird. 

Colorful pairing.  This is a Golden Trumpet and I suppose, Pink Trumpet.
Well, I won't bore our readers with depth and breath of these convoluted issues.  A resolution is what we're after today.

After looking at hundreds of photos of tropical trees with berries, the best I could come up with is that this is some type of coffee tree.  If you know otherwise or more details, please let us know.
Tom admits he's had issues with this PC since he purchased the floor model in Boston in September when they didn't have a model he wanted in a box. Costco people explained that we could return it at any time, no questions asked, as long as we did so within the 90 day period.  It is.

Many nice beaches in Maui in located in parks with seating, outhouses and parking as is the case here.
I've been trying to resolve these issues since last night and then again this morning at 5:45 am.  It kind of kept me awake for a period of time last night trying to think of a solution.  Neither of us cares to go through another data transfer again but it looks like we may have no choice.

Shortly after Costco opens at 10 am this morning we may be on our way or we may decide to go tomorrow, after our appointment at 11 am on Monday.  Unfortunately, Tom is an Outlook user which makes the data transfer all the more complicated when it requires we purchase Outlook again, after we just purchased it online through a dealer in Vancouver.  Ugh!

We walked this beach.
Either I do the transfer which I know how to do but despise doing, or we take it to a computer shop to have them do it with no choice but to purchase yet another copy of Outlook.  Performing a transfer of files is not easy for us with the massive amounts of information we store on our laptops.  Yes, much of it is online so there's no issue there. 

Honestly, I don't like doing it.  Most definitely, Tom doesn't enjoy doing what he'll have to do either, creating all the new tiles in Windows 8.1.  Oh, I know, lots of people hate Windows 8 or 8.1.  We're used to it and both like it now.  The issues he's experiencing now have nothing to do with Windows 8 or 8.1.

Walking in the other direction on a cloudy afternoon.
The alternative is to take the laptop to a pc repair store tomorrow morning when we go to the dentist in Kihei.  Most likely, it could be back working by the time our appointments are over at noon. 

Its actually exciting to be getting our teeth cleaned after a two year hiatus.  The last time we'd done so was in Henderson, Nevada in December 2012 when we walked out of the dentist office at Christmas time with a huge, speaking of Costco, apple pie, an odd gift from a know, sugar and all. 

With many varieties of palm trees we see a wide array of hanging clumps of berries and pods, many difficult to identify based on what is available online.
Tom ate the entire pie in three days while I watched the liquid at the bottom of the pan grow juicier each day, gagging me.  I don't suppose we'll get a pie tomorrow.

Today, Tom will decide what he'd like to do - buy a new computer by returning the old or, have the current computer repaired most likely for around $50.  Purchasing a new laptop could result in an extra $300 - $400 since the floor model was greatly reduced in price and we'll have to purchase Outlook again.

Although its currently not the blooming season, many varieties of Plumeria are growing throughout the island.
Whatever he decides, I'll support.  I have the external hard drive ready to go to transfer his files.  We shall see how it rolls out.  In any case, he can watch the Vikings Game on my laptop while I busy myself with making dinner and doing laundry, my favorite.

I can't find the name of these little flowers.  Any suggestions?
We'll be back tomorrow with more tales of the lives, albeit mundane, of two world travelers experiencing the same dull problems that everyone else experiences from time to time. 

Have a happy Sunday!

Photo from one year ago today, November 2, 2013:

Tom with a Python around his neck while we attended a reptile show while on our three day mini holiday on the one year anniversary of our travels.  For details and more reptile photos, please click here.