Part 2...Another day in paradise...Family style...Sightseeing! More family photos! Daily whale sightings, photos to follow in a few days...
The first few days here in Pahoa, situated up close and personal to the sea, we weren't as familiar with spotting whales as we are now. From our last fruitless whale watching expedition in Maui a few weeks ago, we learned to watch for the "blow hole" spout of steam, not so much water, as explained to us by the on board marine biologist.
Since that point, we've learned to keep our eyes pealed for the spray from the blow hole which has proved to a perfect way to spot a whale or pod of whales. As a result, the six of us, have spent most of our time at home, yelling, "blow hole!" At that point, we all scramble to get cameras and binoculars poised for action.
Yesterday alone, we had no less than a dozen sightings, squealing every time in a frenzied state of excitement. It's hard to look away long enough to go inside to "check the tire pressure," an expression used by our safari guide in the Masai Mara when one needed to take a bathroom break in the bush behind a rock or tree.
Exploring out and about half the time during daylight hours, we're left with ample time to whale watch. But, today we're off for the Kapoho Tide Pools especially after reading these reviews at TripAdvisor.
Sarah and TJ are making breakfast as I sit here preparing today's post and Tom researches our plan and route for the day. Home bodies that we are, we're really enjoying heading out with family exploring this lovely island.
Although somewhat less filled with "attractions" than some of the other islands, we're content with the offerings of the lovely island of Hawai'i, which has the perfect amount for us.
Simply driving through country-like areas in itself is interesting and entertaining, which we'll continue to do during our time here. With the high cost of some attractions, its rewarding to be able to relish in the island's simple beauty while on the road.
Having family on hand to enjoy these treasures with us is beyond description. How often we've mentioned in our travels, how much our kids and grandkids would enjoy what we've seen.
Today, we share more of our photos from Monday's road trip with more to share as we continue on.
Have a happy hump day for those still working and another "who cares what day of the week it is," for those of us retirees.
Photo from one year ago today, December 10, 2013:
The 442 feet Akaka Falls. |
We took the "suggested circle route." |
With little time as we're preparing to leave for the day, I wasn't able to find the name of this flower we spotted at Akaka State Park. |
Some type of Hawaiian tropical plant. Tom said it looked like a lobster cocktail, as opposed to a shrimp cocktail. |
Type of orchid. We can't seem to find the name on this one either. |
Another view of Akaka Falls as it hits the basin. |
A smaller water fall in the state park. |
Family at Akaka Falls. |
This hanging flower is a Rattle Snake. Interesting.
Notice the Green Day Gecko atop this Hawaiian Tropical Flower. |
Wow! Busy item! |
A smaller water fall at the Akaka State Park. |
Double water fall at Akaka State Park. |
Pools from the falls. |
Possible type of Plumeria?
Photo from one year ago today, December 10, 2013:
We were the owner's dinner guests in the boma at the Royal Kruger Lodge in Marloth Park when we scheduled a visit to the lodge to familiarize ourselves with life in the park. The hosts were fabulous as well as the food. |