Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, kind of days...Is time our friend? Amazing one year ago photo!!!
These are Noni fruit growing on our street. |
Nik and Jayden in the yard checking out the waves. |
Today, if the nice weather holds up, we'll head the the Kaholo Tide Pools. With some sun and warmth it will be an enjoyable outing. Although it hasn't been "cold" its been cool and damp these past several days.
This is the Cook Pine. Beautiful, soft to the touch. |
Tall evergreens frequently seen in Hawaii. |
Dewey flowers, a type of Lily, in our yard after the rain. |
After looking through hundreds of photos, I can't find the names of this unusual fruit. Come on, Hawaiian, help me out here! |
Shoreline from a walk in our neighborhood. |
We spotted this "package" floating hundreds of yards out to sea. What could it be? Please comment, if you know. |
The two families arriving next Sunday have rented their own vehicles and will transport themselves both ways. Plus, it enables all of us to go out together or in groups at our leisure. This works out well and we appreciate their doing so.
When the sun peeked out, we took more photos of the sea. |
Unfortunately, and to our disappointment our son Richard from Las Vegas is unable to come at this time due to a recent biking accident and major shoulder injury. Also, my younger sister Julie, is also staying behind due to an upcoming serious surgery. We'll be there for her in our hearts and prayers and by Skype on a daily basis. Yes, its worrisome, especially being so far away, especially when there is nothing I can do for her except call, with the family here during that difficult period
Often, plants without flowers are colorful in Hawai'i. |
The clouds and raging sea over the past few days. |
That's what Tom and I attempt to do each day. Are we always successful? No. Ms. Overly Cheerful and Mr. Overly Grumpy may differ from time to time, as do circumstances over which we have no control.
Interest cement house and old automobile while on one of our drives. |
Photo from one year ago today, December 14, 2013:
This has got to be one of my most favorite things to have ever witnessed when stepping outdoors one morning from our house in Marloth Park, South Africa, looking through the carport, one year ago today. Long legs. Very long legs. Gingerly I walked back to the kitchen door and whispered to Tom, 'Stop pouring the coffee, honey. Quickly and quietly, step outside." The look on his face when he saw these legs through the carport will be a look I'll always remember of sheer joy and wonder. But, the fun had just begun when 12 giraffes came into our yard staying over an hour while we took videos and photos. To see more, please click here. |